The Truway Group
The Truway Group is a growing company that covers a number of diverse fields. With a limited web presence but a strong desire to rectify the situation I was able to work with the Truway leadership teams to create a professional outcome.
The Truway Group covers a number of fields, from Real Estate and Home Construction, to Commercial Product Management, Construction and Maintenance. All of these important divisions needed to be represented within the site in a meaningful way that allowed for easy navigation from the parent brand. The site thus became a series of focused portals linked to from a main navigation allowing each division to have their own ‘site’ maintained through a common CMS. The design, built around the brand and marketing collateral, allowed the website to become both an extension of the existing marketing drive and a focal point for the content and communication that Truway needed to provide its new and existing customers.
- CLIENTThe Truway Group
- MY ROLEDigital Designer and Creative Director